Post by Jethro_ukDoes contempt of Court need a jury ?
No. Generally, it requires a judge plus a fuckwit who needs to be punished.
In the present case, the defendant has shown no inclination to comply
with the injunction in future and to respect the rights of others (and,
principally, the claimant).
All his actions suggest that he regards himself as being above the law,
and not subject to the same requirement to comply with injunctions of
the court as everybody else. That is demonstrated by the number of
breaches of the injunction, including breaches after committal
proceedings were commenced, his failure to attend the hearing that he
had been directed to attend, and the fact that he continues to maintain
material on his social media account in breach of the injunction even as
the substantive committal hearing takes place. There is no question of
the court taking a more lenient approach than would be applied to other