On Tue, 14 Jan 2025 12:46:23 +0000, Clive Page <***@page2.eu> wrote:
[On a technical note, there's something seriously wrong with your Usenet
client - it's not wrapping text correctly. I see from the headers that
you're using Thunderbird, which normally gets it right, so you might want to
investigate some of your settings]
Post by Clive Pagehttps://www.gov.uk/government/publications/online-safety-act-explainer/online-safety-act-explainer
From this it looks to me as if Usenet News would be subject to the provisions
of the Act but it is not at all clear who would termed the "provider" in this
case. I get my news feed from the servers of the Technical University of Berlin
(although other fine Usenet servers are available, for the moment). I very much
hope that they don't feel that they are a provider of news in the sense covered
by the act. In the case of a moderated group like this one, I also hope that
the moderators don't feel that it affects them either.
I'm pretty sure that Usenet would be in scope. It is, after all, the
original U2U service that all the others have copied ideas from. But, for a
text-only service, the risk profile is going to be very low - you're not
going to get porn here, for example.
So, for most providers, compliance is likely to be little more than a tick
box exercise - you merely need to have a risk assessment which shows that
the risk is very low for all the priority categories of content. Usenet
server operators are already legally responsible for material on their
servers - Godfrey v Demon established that some time ago - and the new law
doesn't change that. Usenet also doesn't have any privacy issues which
affect the likes of Microcosm, for example. Everything posted here is
already public, there are no private messages and no end-to-end encryption.
The risks here are, genuinely, low or negligible for almost all the priority
categories, and can easily be shown to be low or negligable.
Ofcom's guidance does, on the face of it, create a lot of bureaucracy for
service providers. You have to read, and understand, the guidance, most of
which will not apply to you but nonetheless needs to be fully comprehended
in order to know what does or does not apply. You have to create, and
maintain, a risk assessment covering at least 17 different categories of
content. You have to have a documented process for allowing users to report
unlawful content. You have to have a documented process for dealing with
reports of unlawful content. And you have to keep all of this documentation
up to date, which means reviewing it regularly.
At least initially, putting this documentation together will be burdonsome
(although once done, annual reviews should be relatively trivial unless the
service itself has changed significantly). And this is the kind of work that
most people whose job is primarily technical (eg, system administration)
will be unfamiliar with. So it will be a challenge. But it's not an
insuperable one.
More generally, the prospect of Ofcom pursuing enforcement against Usenet
and other small, low-risk operators is, I think, close to negligible in
itself. They simply don't have the resources to chase down every small
provider of UGC unless there is evidence that the service is actually being
used to distribute unlawful material. Which, for the vast majority of them,
won't be the case.