Nick Odell
2025-01-08 08:57:34 UTC
Are there accepted legal definitions for words which describe ranges
of numbers and do those definitions vary with context? I think I am
pretty confident about "Single" "Couple" and "All" but when does a
"few" become "several" or "several" become "many"?
I want to describe events or circumstances which occur more than once
but not necessarily in exactly the same way and where writing a
precise table or a list might not be practical or possible.
For example:
Each time I have visited A&E I have had to wait a few/several/many
hours to be seen.
There were a few/several/many weeks last year when I did no shopping
at all.
About two hundred people attended each meeting but a few/several/many
became bored and left before the main speaker took the stage.
And should "some" be in that list of numerical descriptors or is it
just too vague?
of numbers and do those definitions vary with context? I think I am
pretty confident about "Single" "Couple" and "All" but when does a
"few" become "several" or "several" become "many"?
I want to describe events or circumstances which occur more than once
but not necessarily in exactly the same way and where writing a
precise table or a list might not be practical or possible.
For example:
Each time I have visited A&E I have had to wait a few/several/many
hours to be seen.
There were a few/several/many weeks last year when I did no shopping
at all.
About two hundred people attended each meeting but a few/several/many
became bored and left before the main speaker took the stage.
And should "some" be in that list of numerical descriptors or is it
just too vague?